Give through Text

How to give through text

Text the keyword “FBCERGIVE” plus the amount you want to give to 73256.

If you are a first time, text-giving donor you will be prompted to visit a secure URL.

Once you click the registration link, enter your payment information and submit your amount.

You will see a confirmation text showing your donation and registration were successful.

Tips for future text-giving donations

  • If you only text a monetary value, the funds are attributed to your church’s default fund.
    (Ex: FBCERGIVE $50 = will go to Tithes & Offering)

  • If you text the amount + fund name– the funds will be attributed to that fund name. (Ex: FBCERGIVE Building $10 )

  • If the fund name you texted does not match, you will receive a message with a list of fund names for you to choose from.

  • If you text “Funds” you will receive a reply text including a list of the fund names you can choose to donate to.

  • Do you need to change your debit card information? Please text “Reset” to receive a reply text that states: “Saved card information successfully removed. Please register your card information again when making your next gift by texting an amount to this number.”